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Pod Specifications

Most of the Kunernetes Pod specification fields are supported in the spec of Pipeline, MonoVertex and InterStepBufferService. Those fields include:

  • nodeSelector
  • tolerations
  • securityContext
  • imagePullSecrets
  • priorityClassName
  • priority
  • affinity
  • serviceAccountName
  • runtimeClassName
  • automountServiceAccountToken
  • dnsPolicy
  • dnsConfig
  • resourceClaims

All the fields above are optional, click here to see full list of supported fields.

These fields can be specified in the Pipeline spec under:

  • spec.vertices[*]
  • spec.templates.daemon
  • spec.templates.job
  • spec.templates.sideInputsManager
  • spec.templates.vertex

Or in the MonoVertex spec under:

  • spec
  • spec.daemonTemplate

Or in InterStepBufferService spec at:

  • spec.jetstream
  • spec.redis.native