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Local Users

In addition to the authentication using Dex, we also provide an authentication mechanism for local user based on JSON Web Token (JWT).

Login UI


When you create local users, each of those users will need additional RBAC rules set up, otherwise they will fall back to the default policy specified by policy.default field of the numaflow-server-rbac-config ConfigMap.

Numaflow comes with a built-in admin user that has full access to the system. It is recommended to use admin user for initial configuration then switch to local users or configure SSO integration.

Accessing with admin user

A built-in admin user comes with a randomly generated password that is stored in numaflow-server-secrets Secret:


kubectl get secret numaflow-server-secrets -n <namespace> -o jsonpath='{.data.admin\.initial-password}' | base64 --decode

Use the admin username and password obtained above to log in to the UI.

Creating Users

1. Adding the username

Users can be created by updating the numaflow-server-local-user-config ConfigMap:


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: numaflow-server-local-user-config
  # Format: {username}.enabled: "true"
  bob.enabled: "true"

2. Generating the password

When adding new users, it is necessary to generate a bcrypt hash of their password:


# Format: htpasswd -bnBC 10 "" <password> | tr -d ':\n'
htpasswd -bnBC 10 "" password | tr -d ':\n'

3. Adding the password for the username

To add the password generated above for the respective user, you can update the numaflow-server-secrets Secret:


apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: numaflow-server-secrets
type: Opaque
  # Format: {username}.password: <bcrypt_hash_password_value>
  bob.password: $2y$10$0TCvrnLHQsQtEJVdXNNL6eeXaxHmGnQO.R8zhh0Mwr2RM7s42knTK

You can also update the password for admin user similarly, it will be considered over the initial password


For the example above, the username is bob and the password is password.

Disabling Users

Users can be disabled by updating the numaflow-server-local-user-config ConfigMap, including the system generated admin user:


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: numaflow-server-local-user-config
  # Set the value to "false" to disable the user.
  bob.enabled: "false"

Deleting Users

Users can be deleted by removing the corresponding entries:

1. numaflow-server-local-user-config ConfigMap

# Format: {username}.enabled: null
kubectl patch configmap <configmap-name> -n <namespace> -p '{"data": {"bob.enabled": null}}' --type merge

2. numaflow-server-secrets Secret

# Format: {username}.password: null
kubectl patch secret <secret-name> -n <namespace> -p '{"data": {"bob.password": null}}' --type merge