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Dex Server

Numaflow comes with a Dex Server for authentication integration. Currently, the supported identity provider is Github. SSO configuration of Numaflow UI will require editing some configuration detailed below.

1. Register application for Github

In Github, register a new OAuth application. The callback address should be the homepage of your Numaflow UI + /dex/callback.

After registering this application, you will be given a client ID. You will need this value and also generate a new client secret.

Register OAuth App

2. Configuring Numaflow

First we need to configure server.disable.auth to false in the ConfigMap numaflow-cmd-params-config. This will enable authentication and authorization for the UX server.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: numaflow-cmd-params-config
  ### Whether to disable authentication and authorization for the UX server, defaults to false.
  server.disable.auth: "false"

Next we need to configure the numaflow-dex-server-config ConfigMap. Change <ORG_NAME> to your organization you created the application under and include the correct teams. This file will be read by the init container of the Dex server and generate the config it will server.

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: numaflow-dex-server-config
  config.yaml: |
    - type: github
      id: github
      name: GitHub
        clientID: $GITHUB_CLIENT_ID
        clientSecret: $GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET
        - name: <ORG_NAME>
          - admin
          - readonly

Finally we will need to create/update the numaflow-dex-secrets Secret. You will need to add the client ID and secret you created earlier for the application here.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: numaflow-dex-secrets
  dex-github-client-id: <GITHUB_CLIENT_ID>
  dex-github-client-secret: <GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET>

3. Restarting Pods

If you are enabling/disabling authorization and authentication for the Numaflow server, it will need to be restarted.

Any changes or additions to the connectors in the numaflow-dex-server-config ConfigMap will need to be read and generated again requiring a restart as well.