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Numaflow can be installed in different scopes with different approaches.

Cluster Scope

A cluster scope installation watches and executes pipelines in all the namespaces in the cluster.

Run following command line to install latest stable Numaflow in cluster scope.

kubectl apply -n numaflow-system -f

If you use kustomize, use kustomization.yaml below.

kind: Kustomization

  - # Or specify a version

namespace: numaflow-system

Namespace Scope

A namespace scoped installation only watches and executes pipelines in the namespace it is installed (typically numaflow-system).

Configure the ConfigMap numaflow-cmd-params-config to achieve namespace scoped installation.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: numaflow-cmd-params-config
  # Whether to run in namespaced scope, defaults to false.
  namespaced: "true"

Another approach to do namespace scoped installation is to add an argument --namespaced to the numaflow-controller and numaflow-server deployments. This approach takes precedence over the ConfigMap approach.

      - args:
        - --namespaced

If there are multiple namespace scoped installations in one cluster, potentially there will be backward compatibility issue when any of the installation gets upgraded to a new version that has new CRD definition. To avoid this issue, we suggest to use minimal CRD definition for namespaced installation, which does not have detailed property definitions, thus no CRD changes between different versions.

# Minimal CRD
kubectl apply -f
# Controller in namespaced scope
kubectl apply -n numaflow-system -f

If you use kustomize, kustomization.yaml looks like below.

kind: Kustomization

  - # Or specify a version
  - # Or specify a version

namespace: numaflow-system

Managed Namespace Scope

A managed namespace installation watches and executes pipelines in a specific namespace.

To do managed namespace installation, configure the ConfigMap numaflow-cmd-params-config as following.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: numaflow-cmd-params-config
  # Whether to run the controller and the UX server in namespaced scope, defaults to false.
  namespaced: "true"
  # The namespace that the controller and UX server watch when "namespaced" is true, defaults to the installation namespace.
  managed.namespace: numaflow-system

Similarly, another approach is to add --managed-namespace and the specific namespace to the numaflow-controller and numaflow-server deployment arguments. This approach takes precedence over the ConfigMap approach.

      - args:
        - --namespaced
        - --managed-namespace
        - my-namespace

High Availability

By default, the Numaflow controller is installed with Active-Passive HA strategy enabled, which means you can run the controller with multiple replicas (defaults to 1 in the manifests).

There are some parameters can be tuned for the leader election mechanism of HA.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: numaflow-cmd-params-config
  ### The duration that non-leader candidates will wait to force acquire leadership.
  #   This is measured against time of last observed ack. Default is 15 seconds.
  #   The configuration has to be: lease.duration > lease.renew.deadline > lease.renew.period 15s
  ### The duration that the acting controlplane will retry refreshing leadership before giving up.
  #   Default is 10 seconds.
  #   The configuration has to be: lease.duration > lease.renew.deadline > lease.renew.period 10s
  ### The duration the LeaderElector clients should wait between tries of actions, which means every
  #   this period of time, it tries to renew the lease. Default is 2 seconds.
  #   The configuration has to be: lease.duration > lease.renew.deadline > lease.renew.period 2s

These parameters are useful when you want to tune the frequency of leader election renewal calls to K8s API server, which are usually configured at a high priority level of API Priority and Fairness.

To turn off HA, configure the ConfigMap numaflow-cmd-params-config as following.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: numaflow-cmd-params-config
  # Whether to disable leader election for the controller, defaults to false
  controller.leader.election.disabled: "true"

If HA is turned off, the controller deployment should not run with multiple replicas.