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Kafka Source

Two methods are available for integrating Kafka topics into your Numaflow pipeline: using a user-defined Kafka Source or opting for the built-in Kafka Source provided by Numaflow.

Option 1: User-Defined Kafka Source

Developed and maintained by the Numaflow contributor community, the Kafka Source offers a robust and feature-complete solution for integrating Kafka as a data source into your Numaflow pipeline.

Key Features:

  • Flexibility: Allows full customization of Kafka Source configurations to suit specific needs.
  • Kafka Java Client Utilization: Leverages the Kafka Java client for robust message consumption from Kafka topics.
  • Schema Management: Integrates seamlessly with the Confluent Schema Registry to support schema validation and manage schema evolution effectively.

More details on how to use the Kafka Source can be found here.

Option 2: Built-in Kafka Source

Numaflow provides a built-in Kafka source to ingest messages from a Kafka topic. The source uses consumer-groups to manage offsets.

    - name: input
            - my-broker1:19700
            - my-broker2:19700
          topic: my-topic
          consumerGroup: my-consumer-group
          config: | # Optional.
                initial: -2 # -2 for sarama.OffsetOldest, -1 for sarama.OffsetNewest. Default to sarama.OffsetNewest.
          tls: # Optional.
            insecureSkipVerify: # Optional, whether to skip TLS verification. Default to false.
            caCertSecret: # Optional, a secret reference, which contains the CA Cert.
              name: my-ca-cert
              key: my-ca-cert-key
            certSecret: # Optional, pointing to a secret reference which contains the Cert.
              name: my-cert
              key: my-cert-key
            keySecret: # Optional, pointing to a secret reference which contains the Private Key.
              name: my-pk
              key: my-pk-key
          sasl: # Optional
            mechanism: GSSAPI # PLAIN, GSSAPI, SCRAM-SHA-256 or SCRAM-SHA-512, other mechanisms not supported
            gssapi: # Optional, for GSSAPI mechanism
              serviceName: my-service
              realm: my-realm
              # KRB5_USER_AUTH for auth using password
              # KRB5_KEYTAB_AUTH for auth using keytab
              authType: KRB5_KEYTAB_AUTH 
              usernameSecret: # Pointing to a secret reference which contains the username
                name: gssapi-username
                key: gssapi-username-key
              # Pointing to a secret reference which contains the keytab (authType: KRB5_KEYTAB_AUTH)
                name: gssapi-keytab
                key: gssapi-keytab-key
              # Pointing to a secret reference which contains the keytab (authType: KRB5_USER_AUTH)
                name: gssapi-password
                key: gssapi-password-key
              kerberosConfigSecret: # Pointing to a secret reference which contains the kerberos config
                name: my-kerberos-config
                key: my-kerberos-config-key
            plain: # Optional, for PLAIN mechanism
              userSecret: # Pointing to a secret reference which contains the user
                name: plain-user
                key: plain-user-key
              passwordSecret: # Pointing to a secret reference which contains the password
                name: plain-password
                key: plain-password-key
              # Send the Kafka SASL handshake first if enabled (defaults to true)
              # Set this to false if using a non-Kafka SASL proxy
              handshake: true 
            scramsha256: # Optional, for SCRAM-SHA-256 mechanism
              userSecret: # Pointing to a secret reference which contains the user
                name: scram-sha-256-user
                key: scram-sha-256-user-key
              passwordSecret: # Pointing to a secret reference which contains the password
                name: scram-sha-256-password
                key: scram-sha-256-password-key
              # Send the Kafka SASL handshake first if enabled (defaults to true)
              # Set this to false if using a non-Kafka SASL proxy
              handshake: true 
            scramsha512: # Optional, for SCRAM-SHA-512 mechanism
              userSecret: # Pointing to a secret reference which contains the user
                name: scram-sha-512-user
                key: scram-sha-512-user-key
              passwordSecret: # Pointing to a secret reference which contains the password
                name: scram-sha-512-password
                key: scram-sha-512-password-key
              # Send the Kafka SASL handshake first if enabled (defaults to true)
              # Set this to false if using a non-Kafka SASL proxy
              handshake: true
            oauth:  #Optional, for OAUTHBEARER mechanism
              clientID: # Pointing to a secret reference which contains the client id
                name: kafka-oauth-client
                key: clientid 
              clientSecret: # Pointing to a secret reference which contains the client secret
                name: kafka-oauth-client
                key: clientsecret 


How to start the Kafka Source from a specific offset based on datetime?

In order to start the Kafka Source from a specific offset based on datetime, we need to reset the offset before we start the pipeline.

For example, we have a topic quickstart-events with 3 partitions and a consumer group console-consumer-94457. This example uses Kafka 3.6.1 and localhost.

  kafka_2.13-3.6.1 bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --topic quickstart-events            
Topic: quickstart-events    TopicId: WqIN6j7hTQqGZUQWdF7AdA PartitionCount: 3   ReplicationFactor: 1    Configs: 
    Topic: quickstart-events    Partition: 0    Leader: 0   Replicas: 0 Isr: 0
    Topic: quickstart-events    Partition: 1    Leader: 0   Replicas: 0 Isr: 0
    Topic: quickstart-events    Partition: 2    Leader: 0   Replicas: 0 Isr: 0
  kafka_2.13-3.6.1 bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list --all-groups                                                                                                     
We have already consumed all the available messages in the topic quickstart-events, but we want to go back to some datetime and re-consume the data from that datetime.
  kafka_2.13-3.6.1 bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group console-consumer-94457                          

GROUP                  TOPIC             PARTITION  CURRENT-OFFSET  LOG-END-OFFSET  LAG             CONSUMER-ID     HOST            CLIENT-ID
console-consumer-94457 quickstart-events 0          56              56              0               -               -               -
console-consumer-94457 quickstart-events 1          38              38              0               -               -               -
console-consumer-94457 quickstart-events 2          4               4               0               -               -               -
To achieve that, before the pipeline start, we need to first stop the consumers in the consumer group console-consumer-94457 because offsets can only be reset if the group console-consumer-94457 is inactive. Then, reset the offsets using the desired date and time. The example command below uses UTC time.
  kafka_2.13-3.6.1 bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --execute --reset-offsets --group console-consumer-94457 --topic quickstart-events --to-datetime 2024-01-19T19:26:00.000

GROUP                          TOPIC                          PARTITION  NEW-OFFSET     
console-consumer-94457         quickstart-events              0          54             
console-consumer-94457         quickstart-events              1          26             
console-consumer-94457         quickstart-events              2          0 
Now, we can start the pipeline, and the Kafka source will start consuming the topic quickstart-events with consumer group console-consumer-94457 from the NEW-OFFSET.

You may need to create a property file which contains the connectivity details and use it to connect to the clusters. Below are two example files: SASL/PLAIN and TSL.

bootstrap.servers=<BOOSTRAP_BROKER_LIST> required \
   username="<CLUSTER_API_KEY>" \
Run the command with the --command-config option.
bin/ --bootstrap-server <BOOTSTRAP_BROKER_LIST> --command-config --execute --reset-offsets --group <GROUP_NAME> --topic <TOPIC_NAME> --to-datetime <DATETIME_STRING>

Reference: - How to Use Kafka Tools With Confluent Cloud - Apache Kafka Security