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Event Time Extractor

A eventTimeExtractor built-in transformer extracts event time from the payload of the message, based on a user-provided expression and an optional format specification.

expression is used to compile the payload to a string representation of the event time.

format is used to convert the event time in string format to a time.Time object.

Expression (required)

Event Time Extractor expression is implemented with expr and sprig libraries.

Data conversion functions

These function can be accessed directly in expression. payload keyword represents the message object. It will be the root element to represent the message object in expression.

  • json - Convert payload in JSON object. e.g: json(payload)
  • int - Convert element/payload into int value. e.g: int(json(payload).id)
  • string - Convert element/payload into string value. e.g: string(json(payload).amount)

Sprig functions

Sprig library has 70+ functions. sprig prefix need to be added to access the sprig functions.

sprig functions


  • sprig.trim(string(json(payload).timestamp)) # Remove spaces from either side of the value of field timestamp

Format (optional)

Depending on whether a format is specified, Event Time Extractor uses different approaches to convert the event time string to a time.Time object.

When specified

When format is specified, the native time.Parse(layout, value string) library is used to make the conversion. In this process, the format parameter is passed as the layout input to the time.Parse() function, while the event time string is passed as the value parameter.

When not specified

When format is not specified, the extractor uses dateparse to parse the event time string without knowing the format in advance.

How to specify format

Please refer to golang format library.

Error Scenarios

When encountering parsing errors, event time extractor skips the extraction and passes on the message without modifying the original input message event time. Errors can occur for a variety of reasons, including:

  1. format is specified but the event time string can't parse to the specified format.
  2. format is not specified but dataparse can't convert the event time string to a time.Time object.

Ambiguous event time strings

Event time strings can be ambiguous when it comes to date format, such as MM/DD/YYYY versus DD/MM/YYYY. When using such format, you're required to explicitly specify format, to avoid confusion. If no format is provided, event time extractor treats ambiguous event time strings as an error scenario.

Epoch format

If the event time string in your message payload is in epoch format, you can skip specifying a format. You can rely on dateparse to recognize a wide range of epoch timestamp formats, including Unix seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, and nanoseconds.

Event Time Extractor Spec

    - name: in
        http: {}
            name: eventTimeExtractor
              expression: sprig.trim(string(json(payload).timestamp))
              format: 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00