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User-defined Sources

A Pipeline may have multiple Sources, those sources could either be a pre-defined source such as kafka, http, etc., or a user-defined source.

With no source data transformer, A pre-defined source vertex runs single-container pods; a user-defined source runs two-container pods.

Build Your Own User-defined Sources

You can build your own user-defined sources in multiple languages.

Check the links below to see the examples for different languages.

After building a docker image for the written user-defined source, specify the image as below in the vertex spec.

    - name: input
            image: my-source:latest

Available Environment Variables

Some environment variables are available in the user-defined source container:

  • NUMAFLOW_POD - Pod name.
  • NUMAFLOW_REPLICA - Replica index.
  • NUMAFLOW_PIPELINE_NAME - Name of the pipeline.
  • NUMAFLOW_VERTEX_NAME - Name of the vertex.

User-defined sources contributed from the open source community

If you're looking for examples and usages contributed by the open source community, head over to the numaproj-contrib repositories.

These user-defined sources like AWS SQS, GCP Pub/Sub, provide valuable insights and guidance on how to use and write a user-defined source.